A 5G private networks provider, Inventec was certified by CTOne Inc.

A 5G private networks provider, Inventec was certified by CTOne Inc

A 5G private networks provider, Inventec was certified by CTOne Inc, a Trend Micro subsidiary and a leading brand in 5G information security, becoming the first 5G information security dealer worldwide, assisting customers to implement information security prevention mechanisms for various network equipment. On the basis of its experiences in introducing 5G private network for itself and its customers, Inventec has realized that in addition to obtaining licenses for 5G private network and frequency bands, it must ensure that its solution meets information security requirements and install information security software. Inventec and CTOne collaborate to provide the optimal information security solutions for enterprise private network. From network to edge, they realize a comprehensive security protection. CTOne's end-to-end 5G security solution is a tailor-made cybersecurity solution based on joint defense and zero-trust management for enterprise private mobile networks, and it is suitable for diverse verticals such as smart manufacturing, smart energy, smart healthcare, and smart city.